709 Brown Street • Raceland, KY • 41169 • (606) 836-7112 • Email Us
Mr Micro Computers offering computer sales, computer
service, network solutions, dial-up internet
accounts, online training, and other personal and business
computing solutions. Terms of Use
Manufacturer's Listings are in alphabetical order by company name. Click on the appropriate letter or number to locate a specific manufacturer. If you need additional assistance, feel free to contact us directly by e-mail at service@mrmicro.net or call (606) 836-7112.
7th Level, Inc. - Theme games
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Abacus Concepts, Inc. - Mac
stat package
Video Systems - Digital video equipment
Ability Systems -
Computer aided manufacturing software
Absoft Corporation - Fortran & C
development tools
ABSolute - Medical
office automation software
Abstract Technologies, Inc.
About Software Corporation -
Accent Software International -
Multilingual word processors
Access Software -
Makers of links golf simulator and other adventure simulations
Acorn -
Acorn Computer System
Action Technologies -
Client/server workflow solutions
Activision - Multiplatform
Adams JobBank
Online - Career-related software & CD-ROMs
Admagic - Web
server speciality software
Adaptek Systems -
PC software including voice recognition
Adaptiv Software Corp -
PeopleScheduler Plus software
Advanced Control Data, Corp. -
Web publishing tools
Advanced Debugging
Systems - CICS software for debugging
Technology Transfer Group (NTTG) - Neural network software
AG Group, Inc. -
Macintosh-based network management tools
Akimbo Systems -
Fullwrite software
Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd. -
HASP software security and ASE smart cards
Aladdin Systems, Inc. -
Mac tools
Alexander LAN, Inc. -
Automatic crash prevention and diagnostic software for Novell
Alias Research Inc. - Digital
media content creation
Alisa Systems, Inc. -
Algorithm, Inc. -
Alki Software - Add-ins for
Microsoft Word
Allaire - software tools for
Internet publishing
Allegiant Technologies -
Supercard 2.0 for interactive multimedia and custom applications
Allegro Group, The - Internet
e-mail service for Novell GroupWise
Allegiant Data
Systems, Inc - Software development company, specializing in
the Manufacturing industry
Alpha Software
Alpharel, Inc. - Document
management software
Alumni Computer Group -
Accounting system for Lawyers
Amdahl - Mainframes, UNIX and
Open Systems software
American Business Information -
Phonebooks on CD-ROM (US & Canada)
American Internet Corp. -
Web servers
Ameritech - Web products
Amicus Software - Web software
Andataco -
Unix workstations and software
Andyne Computing Ltd. -
Client/Server data access
Ani Com, Inc. -
Animation and 3D software for Windows
Answer Systems - Client-server
applications for help desks
Ansoft Corporation - 2D and 3D
software for electromagnetic field simulation
Applied Microsystems Corporation
Apertus - Unix to VAX
Apex Software - Visual Basic
Apple Computer
Applix Inc. - Decision support
Applied Computer Systems -
New and used Sun equipment.
Arcada - Backup Software
Architext Software Inc. -
Information management and retrieval products.
Aristo-soft - Fun
multimedia products for Windows and Macs
Artisoft - Network solutions,
makers of lantastic
The Armchair Travel Co Ltd
- Games and entertainment using Apple's QuickTime VR.
ARSoftware -
Scientific and technical software
Arion Software, Inc. -
MasterCook Mac
Art Technology Group - Web
Artisoft Inc. - Networking
- Electronic clipart
askSam Systems - Creates
software that turns text into searchable databases.
Astrobyte - BeyondPress
Asymetrix - Client/Server
and multimedia authoring software
Atomic Games, Inc. - Makers
of realistic and exciting war games
Corporation - Enterprise connectivity products
Atria Software Inc. - Advanced
software systems for managing team-oriented software development.
ATS Inc. - Integrated testing
and programming environments for software development
Autodesk, Inc. -
Aurora Software, Inc. -
Nextstep software
The Austin Code
Works - C/C++ Source Code
Automated Data Libraries,
Inc - Automated data storage libraries utilizing Scalable
Library Architecture
Avance Logic, Inc. - Web server
AVA Instrumentation, Inc. -
Manufactures drive exercisers and resells software, for aligning
of floppy drives.
Avalan Technology - Remote
control software
Avax International - The
unattended back-up specialists
Award Software International, Inc -
BIOS and other peripherals
Axum Graphics -
Data analysis package
Azure Technologies - Lan/Wan
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Baan Co. - Enterprise reporting
Bannister Lake Software
- Macintosh, Newton, and WAN software
Banana Programming -
Communication programs
Banyan Systems, Inc. - Vines
Bare Bones Software -
Text editor software
BateTech Software Inc. - Help
desk & Internet products for Windows & Windows NT
Bay Networks, Inc. -
Informataion on switched internetworking and BaySIS open software
BayWare, Inc. - Language
learning software
BBN Systems and Technologies -
Programming tools
BE Software - Simulation
Beame & Whiteside
Software - Connection Software (TCP/IP, etc.).
Benefit Software, Inc. -
Bentley Systems - CAD products
Berkley Software Design -
After Dark software
Berkeley Software Design, Inc. -
Operating systems
Business Solutions Inc. - Color Editor for Creating HTML 3.0
Bethesda Softworks - Games
Bindview Development Corp. -
Password software
Black Belt
Systems, Inc. - Image Manipulation Software
Black Star Publishing Co. -
Java compiler
Blackboard Technology Group, Inc.
Blueridge Technologies - The
Internet Document Management Company
Blue Sky - Web authoring
Blue Squirrel, Inc. -
Off-line web browsing
Bluestone - Open systems
application tools
Border Network Technologies, Inc. -
BorderWare firewall server
Borland - Software language
developper (C++, Delphi, Pascal, Visual dBase, Paradox...)
BookLink Technologies Home Page
Books That Work - A multimedia
software company that publishes how-to products for the home
Bonsai Software - World Wide
Web tools
BorderWare - Internet security
Boxer Software
BrioQuery Technology, Inc. -
Metadata manipulation
Bristol Technology Inc. -
Cross-platform solutions based on the Windows API
CNT/Brixton Systems - SNA
BroadVision - Direct
marketing on-Line software
Broderbund Software -
BSDI - BSD Unix for Intel
architeture computers
BTG Inc.
Development - games for the Macintosh and 3D graphics for all
Bull HN Information Systems Inc. -
Warehouse middleware software
Business@Web - Video software
BusinessWare - Vertical
accounting program for computer VARs
Bytes and Pieces -
Educational software
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Cadence - Electronic design
automation software
Caere Corporation - Leader in
optical character recognition (OCR) and intelligent document
Caligari - Interactive 3D
Cambridge Soft Corp. -
Develops, markets and supports high quality applications for chemist
and engineers
Camellia Software -
Developers of Batch Job Server for Windows
Candle Web AS - Web browser
Cardiff Software -
Teleform - forms based software
Software, Inc. - Terminal emulation for Macintosh.
Caravelle Networks Corp -
Network management
Casady & Greene -
Macintosh software tools and games
Press - Maker of the 'Help Browser'.
CD Archive, Inc. - CD-ROM
The CDROM Superstore
CenterLine Software, Inc. -
Software for the development lifecycle
Centigram - Voice to speech
CE Software, Inc. - Mac Web
Chaco Software - Internet
multiuser software
River Analytics - Open Sesame! is a personal assistant, a
learning agent
Cheyenne - Backup software
Chicago Soft, Ltd - Windows
memory software
The Children's Software
Company - Educational software for children
Cinco Networks - Network
Cirrus Logic - Chip
maker FTP site
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Clear Software -
Clearwave Communications -
Caller ID for Windows
CMH Software - Software for
the electrical industry
CN Software - Service
Organization Software
Cognitive Technology Corporation -
Developer and publisher of cutting edge OCR software for business
and home
Cold Fusion - Web
database development tool
Collabra Software, Inc. -
Group-conferencing software
Compuserve - Internet
Division, web server
Computer Associates, Intl
Computer Concepts Corp. -
Visual data mining and decision support tool for databases
Computer Modeling - Automotive
Computational Mechanics Company, Inc
Computer Teaching Corp. -
Educational software
Computer Tyme Software Lab -
Novell utilities
Common Ground Software -
Creation of digital documents
Compton's NewMedia, Inc.
Computron Software -
Financial software
CommTouch Software, Inc. -
Email products
ComCom Systems, Inc. -
Imaging products
Computer Management Software,
Inc. -
Computers Plus - Netware repair tool
ConnectSoft, Inc. -
Leading developer of powerful and imaginative communications
Compuware Corp - Building,
testing business applications.
Control Data Corporation
Copyware, Inc. -
Software for archival backup's
Core Systems - Unix
Corel - Makers of Draw
ConnectSoft, Inc. -
Windows based telecommunication software.
Core Technology Corporation -
Client/server office suite
CoroNet Systems - Network
COS, Inc - VersaFax
fax/voice/paging software for UNIX
Craftwork Solutions, Inc. -
Internet Server Software, Linux
Crak Software -
Security software
Craysoft - Workstation
and server software
Creasoft - Developer of
FileXpress, a productive easy-to-use, compact database manager for
Cretwal Software -
Shareware screen savers
Crystal Lake Multimedia,
Cybec -
Makers of Anti Virus software
Cybernet Systems, Inc.
Cybernex - in
Commercial Timesharing Inc. -
Systems Integrator and Software Engineering company & Education
Software - Electronic catalog software
CyberScience, Inc. -
Net phone software
CycloGraphics, LLC -
Cynus - GNU Software Support
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Dalcon Technologies, Inc. -
Imaging center software for radiology
Yonat - Trace software for Win95
Data Fellows Ltd. -
Antivirus and Groupware products (F-PROT Professional and Vineyard
product lines)
Datastorm (FTP) - makers of
Procomm Plus
Data Translation - Video
capturing, compression software
DataViews Corporation - Dynamic
data visualization, C++ graphics framework and complex user
interface tools.
Datum, Inc. - Timing
Daylight Software -
Unix software development
Dawson, T Software -
Web software
Laboratories Inc - MailBot E-Mail Agent for Microsoft Mail
Db-Tech Inc.
- Developer of DbPower, a report writer for Unix databases
Decisive Technology Corp -
Survey software
DDE Manager for Visual C++ -
Commercial MFC DDE implementation
Delrina Corporation - Fax & Forms
DeLorme Mapping - Mapping
software and databases
DeltaPoint, Inc. - Web page
creation software
DemoShield4 - Demo making
Digitool - Mac Web server
based on Common Lisp 3.0 product.
Digital Directory
Assistance, Inc. - CD-ROM phone directories
Digital Equipment Corp.
Dimension X - Content
enhancement software
Distinct - TCP/IP tools
$1.00 Software -
Windows software for US$1.00 per program
DoNet Corp - Video software
for Net
Dotware -
Educational and recreational shareware for Windows
Dtsearch - Search software
Dun & Bradstreet -
Durand Communications Network, Inc.
- Web server software
Tech - Game software