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709 Brown Street • Raceland, KY • 41169 • (606) 836-7112 • Email Us
Mr Micro Computers offering computer sales, computer
service, network solutions, dial-up internet
accounts, online training, and other personal and business
computing solutions. Terms of Use
Manufacturer's Listings are in alphabetical order by company name. Click on the appropriate letter or number to locate a specific manufacturer. If you need additional assistance, feel free to contact us directly by e-mail at service@mrmicro.net or call (606) 836-7112.
3COM - Networking solutions
3M - Manufacturer of magnetic & optical
media, optics, projectors, etc.
Abit Computer corp. -
Motherboard manufacturer
ACC Systems - LAN and WAN
Accton Technologies - NIC
cards, Hubs
Acer Computers - Computer
Act Networks - Frame relay
Acorn Computers - RiscPC,
pocketbook, and peer-to-peer networking
Active Voice - Telephone and
wireless LAN integration products
Adaptec - SCSI adapters
Adax Inc. - ATM
ADC Telecommunications - Network
solutions for telecommunications, cable tv & wireless
ADS Technologies -
Manufacturer of multimedia specialty products
Advanced Digital Systems -
Multimedia / Audio & Visual
Advanced Logic Research, Inc.(ALR) -
Computer manufactuer
Advanced Micro Devices - AMD
processors, memory, networks and communications
Network Solutions - Alternative data transfer innovations
Advanced RISC Machines, Inc. -
Designs, licences and markets the leading microprocessors and
Advanced Storage Concepts -
SCSI host adapters
Telecommunications Modules (ATM) - Low cost ATM technology
Advanced Visual Systems Inc. -
Visual application development tools and visualization solutions
AeroComm Wireless - Maker
and distributor of wireless printing solutions
Agile Networks Inc. - IP
AITech / Vision for Multimedia -
VGA to TV / Video converters
Alantec -
Network hubs
Desktop Supercomputer - Makers of Alpha7 Supercomputers
Algorithmics -
Hardware/software for MIPS bases systems
- disk array (RAID) products
Tech Systems - digital recording systems
ALPS Electrical - Pointing
devices, touch pads & keyboards
Alta Technology -
parallel processing hardware and software solutions
Altec Lansing
Corporation - Multimedia speakers and amplifiers
Altera Corp. - Programmable
logic solutions
Amber Wave Systems - Lan
Amdahl - Mainframes, UNIX and
Open Systems software and servers
American Megatrends, Inc. -
Bios Manufacturer
American Multisystems -
Computer Manufacturer
American Power Conversion -
Uninterruptible power supplies, power management software and
surge suppressor
Amiga Technologies - Computer
Amp, Inc. - Leading supplier of
electronic connectors and assemblies
Ampex -
Magnetic tapes and tape systems
ANA Tech - Large
format color and monochrome scanners
Andataco -
Unix workstations and software
Microsystems - SBus products for Suns
Apex Data Inc. - Modems,
fax-modems, and other products
Apple Computer - Makers of
apple computers
Internet - Providers Home Page
APS Technologies Home Page -
Quality mail order SCSI peripherals, accessories. Mac & PC
Applied Computer Systems -
New and used Sun equipment.
Technologies Manufacturing - Video Digitisers, Computer
Hardware Sales
Applied Innovation -
Telecommunications hardware and software
Apton inc. - Leader in SCSI
enhancement products and high-availability network solutions
Asante Technologies -
Networking Hardware
Ascend Communications, Inc. -
Digital wide area network access products
Aspen Systems Inc. - Digital
alpha AXP and Pentium Pro workstations and servers
AST - Computer manufacturer
ASUS - Motherboard
ATI Technologies - Graphics,
communications, and multimedia video products
AT&T Paradyne - Computer
division of AT&T
Auspex Systems Inc. - NFS
Network file/data server
Austin - Computer
Avax International
- The Unattended Back-Up Specialists
Axis Communications - CD-Rom
Aztech Labs - Multimedia
Technologies - Scanners and capture solutions
BayNetworks - Worlwide
leader in the internetworking market
Bi Ra Systems - Data
acquisition systems
Be Inc. - Object-oriented
computer system w/dual processors
Berg Electronics -
Designer and manufacturer of innovative interconnect products
Black Box Corporation -
Networking connectivity source / (On-Line Catalog)
Boca Research -
Multimedia products (modems, audio and video cards, ISDN...)
Boffin Ltd - CD-ROM Rackmount
Boxlight corp. - Maker of
projection and presentation products
International - Electronic products manufacturer
Bull - Mainframes (GCOS os),
based on RS6000
BusLogic Inc. - SCSI and
RAID solutions
BTG, Inc. - Open systems
Cabletron Systems - ATM/LAN
Canon - Printers
Cardinal Technologies, Inc. -
Manufacturer of world class modems and peripherals
Cascade - Switches
Cayman Systems, Inc. -
Manufacturer of a broad range of internetworking and remote access
Central Data Corporation - "scsiTerminal
Server," serial port that connect to Unix workstations via
the SCSI port.
Ceram, Inc. -
SPARC systems and upgrades
CH Products -
Manufacturer of joysticks, throttles and other devices for PCs,
Macs & 3DO systems
Chaintech -
Chipcom Corp. - Networking
Cincinnati Microwave - Designer
and manufacturer of wireless electronic communication devices
Cirrus Logic - Chip
Cisco Systems - Leading global
supplier of internetworking solutions
Citrix Systems - Develops,
markets and supports a wide range of application server products
Co-Du-Co Computer Dust Covers -
High Quality, Custom-Fit, All Fabric Dust Covers
Cogent Data Technologies,
Inc. - Ethernet adapters
Printed Circuits - Manufacturer of multi-layer printed circuit
Colorado Memory
Systems - Tape backup systems (FTP)
Combinet - ISDN Lan Adapter
Compact Devices Inc. -
CD-ROM server
Compaq Computer - Makers of
Compaq computer systems
Compatible Systems
Corporation - Easy-to-use routers for growing networks
Compression Technologies -
Develops and markets serial compression and encription for WANs
Computone Corp. - Provider
of remote access connectivity solutions
Comtrol - Worldwide supplier
of high-performance serial board connectivity products
Conner Peripherals - Hard
drives, tape drives. etc.
Convex Computer Corporation -
Manufacturing high performance vector and scalable parallel
Core Systems - Unix
systems, peripherals, and software
Core Technology Corporation -
Connectivity solutions for the Unisys environment
Corning Optical Fiber -
World leading manufacturer of optical fiber
Corporate Disk Company -
Diskette and CD-ROM Replication
Costar - Makers of label
Cray Research - Supercomputers
• Cray Computer Corporation -
Creative Labs - SoundBlaster
and multimedia stuff
Cyberian Outpost - Computer
Cybex Corp. - Auto control
for multiple PC's
Cylink Corp - ATM networks
Cypress Semiconductors -
High-performance digital integrated circuits.
Cyrix Home Page - Chip Maker
D-Link - Ethernet hubs & NIC's
Dallas Semiconductor Corporation
- Semiconducter manufacturer
Data General - Open systems
company that specializes in providing servers and storage products
Datalux corp. - Workstations
and specialty products for industrial workspaces
Data Modul - Manufacturer
of flat panel displays and other computer products
Dataproducts Corp. - Network
laser printers
Datasonix Corporation -
Develops and markets Pereos, worlds smallest tape backup (1 Gig
on a postage-stamp sized cartridge)
Data Technology
Corporation - Leading hard disk controller manufacturer
Dayna Communications, Inc. -
Communications products for wired and wireless local area networks
Daystar Digital -
Development of co-processor boards
Daytek Electronics Corp. -
Makers of monitors, keyboards and laptops
DBI - Flat panel monitors
Dell Computer - Makers of Dell
computer systems
Deltec Power - UPS
Develcon Electronics Ltd. -
Makers of Hubs, Bridges & Routers
Diamond Multimedia Inc. -
Graphics and Video Accelerators
Dialogic Corporation -
Standards-based computer telephony hardware and software platform
Digi International - Leading
provider of data communications hardware and software
Digi - Remote and network
access products
Digital Audio Labs -
Makers of digital I/O audio cards
Digital Dayna - Hubs, routers,
wireless technologies
Digital Equipment Corp. -
Makers of digital computer systems
Digital Vision, Inc. - Makers
of digital cameras, frame grabbers and scan converters.
DigiTech inc. -
SIMM Converter memory adapter boards
DPI (Digital Products, Inc.) -
Multi-protocol print servers for networks (computer peripheral)
• Display Tech Multimedia, Inc. -
DigiBoard - Serial port
• Doppler's DTV -
Corporation - Hard-shell carrying cases for notebook computers
Eicon Technology - WAN
Eigentech, Inc. -
Computer/Data Networking Products
Electronic Energy Control, Inc -
Data Acquisition hardware for connection to RS-232
EMC Corporation - Storage
EMPaC International Corp. -
Manufactures PC systems and network products
Emulex Network Systems -
Hardware network access products
Encore Computer Corporation -
Innovators in scalable universal storage & real-time system
ENSONIQ - Maker of state
of the art musical instruments, sound cards and specialized sound
Envirosafe Technologies -
Makers of dustshield enclosures
Epson - Printers, etc.
Equinox Systems - Designs
and markets high performance I/O communications products
Communications, Inc. - Microphones for sound cards and modems
Euronis/SAT -
Planet-ISDN Board and Meet-Me H.320 Video Conferencing for
Evans & Sutherland -
Real-time 3D Computer Graphics Software & Hardware
Exabyte Corporation -
Removable storage and storage automation solutions
Exide Electronics, Inc. -
Design & mfg of power management systems
EXP Computers, Inc. - Modems
and hardware for laptops
Extended Systems - Print
Factura Kiosks - Kiosks
by MicroTouch
Farallon WWW Server -
Plug-n-play internet connectivity and networking solutions
Fargo Electronics - Color
FastComm Communication
Corporation - Manufacturer of high speed specialty modems
First International Computer -
world leader in the design and manufacturing of motherboards
FOCUS Enhancements,
Inc. - FTP site
Fore Systems, Inc. - ATM
Fujitsu - in North
FWB, Inc. - Hard drives
Gandalf Technologies, Inc. -
Leading manufacturer of remote access and internetworking
Gammalink - Integrated
voice/fax solutions
Gateway Users
Gateway2000 - Hardware maker
Geac Computer Corp. Ltd.
General DataComm, Inc. - Leading
provider for ATM based products and services
General Magic
Genius - KYE - Makers
of the genius line of input devices
Genoa Systems - Video
Genovation - Keyboards
and touch pads
GE Capital Computer
Services - Technology management services
Gigabyte - Makers of
Glenayre Technologies, Inc. -
Leading supplier of telecommunications equipment and related
Glenco Engineering, Inc. -
Global Village
Communication, Inc. - Mac communication
Goldstar - Monitors & CD-ROMs
Groupe Bull - Offers a wide
range of systems, infrastucture software and I.T. services
GTE - ATM networks
GVC - Modems, monitors,
notebooks, ethernet cards & motherboards
GVC Canada - Modems, monitors,
notebooks, ethernet cards & motherboards
Gyration - Makers of the
gyropoint mouse
Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
- Modems
HDS NEtwork Systems, Inc. -
Internet terminals
Hi Q TeleCOM Inc. -
Electronic phonejack which blocks unauthorized outgoing calls
Microelectronics - Microporcessors
Honeywell - Industrial
automation and control
Hybrid Networks, Inc. -
High-speed digital information via Cable TV Lines to personal
computers at 10 Mbps
Hyundai Electronics America -
Markets a large variety of products, from semiconductors to PCs
and monitors