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709 Brown Street • Raceland, KY • 41169 • (606) 836-7112 • Email Us
Mr Micro Computers offering computer sales, computer
service, network solutions, dial-up internet
accounts, online training, and other personal and business
computing solutions. Terms of Use
Manufacturer's Listings are in alphabetical order by company name. Click on the appropriate letter or number to locate a specific manufacturer. If you need additional assistance, feel free to contact us directly by e-mail at service@mrmicro.net or call (606) 836-7112.
ICG North America -
Color prepress input/workstation/output systems
Impediment - Computer
distributer and integrator
IMC Networks - Network
LAN products
IMT Systems,
Inc. - Computer manufacturer, CAD/CAM software, computer parts
IndustryNET - Product
information for engineers
Infinite Technologies - Fax
Intelitool, Inc.
Intergraph - Computer
systems for the Technical Desktop
Interphase Corp. - Network
and I/O Adapters
Transware - Networking devices, routers, gateway
Intertex Data AB - High
speed modem developper and manufacturer
IoMega - Manufacturers of
the new "zip" drive
ISDN*tek - Makers of ISDN
Isomedia - CDROM Services
Itrak Systems, Inc. -
Computer input devices
Iwill - Mainboard and "SIDE" called
Kaidan - Accessories for
the Apple QuickTake digital camera
Kalpana Inc. -
EtherSwitches for Ethernet networks.
Kentek Information Systems inc. -
Leading manufacturer of midrange printers
ADC Kentrox -
Keystone Technology -
Macintosh and Intel based solutions in networking and prepress
Kingston Technology Company -
Kodak - Digital imaging
La Cie Limited - Apple
hard drives
LANart - Hubs
Lantronix - Ethernet
products for workgroup applications.
Laser Age -
Laser toner cartridges
Legacy Storage Systems
International - Data storage systems
Lexmark International, Inc. -
Laser, LED, inkjet and dot matrix printers, network print servers,
Lightwave Communications, Inc. -
System console switching
Design Development - The Mouse-Board (tm) for NetSurfers
Logitech - Makers of mouse,
trackballs, scanners and other devices.
Loviel Computer - SCSI
storage systems
M Technology Inc -
Maker/importer of Motherboards and Controllers
Madge Networks - Token-ring
Mag Innovision -
Management Graphics inc. -
develops and manufactures solutions for quality gigital printing
and imaging
Marx International, Inc. -
Maximum Strategy, Inc. -
High performance data servers for high performance computing
MaxTech Corp - Modems
Maxtor Corp - Hard drives
Megahertz - Mobile
computing devices
MediaTrix - AudioTrix
Sound cards
Media Vision, Inc. -
Multimedia kits
Meridian Data Inc. -
CD-ROM towers
Micro Design, Intl. -
Storage devices
Microchip Technology
Inc. - High speed RISC microcontrollers and serial EEPROM
Microdyne - Hardware and
software networking solutions
Systems Ltd. - Multi-protocol network print servers
Micropolis - Storage
MicroSolutions -
Makers of backpack portable storage products
Microspeed - Ergnomic
input devices
Microstar - Motherboards
Microstar Laboratories -
Intelligent Data Acquisition Processor(tm) boards.
MicroStore -
Portable storage for laptops
Microtek Lab - High
quality scanner solutions
Microtest - CD-Roms
MicroTouch - Touch
screens and converters
Electronics, Inc. - memory intensive, high-performance PC's
MicroNet Technology -
Storage devices
MIPS Technologies, Inc. Home Page
MiraLink Corp - Remote LAN
mirroring hubs
Miramar Systems - Mac
to Windows peer to peer file and print sharing
miro Computer Products - Video
Mobius Computer Corp. -
Modular Industrial Solutions
Inc. - Industrial computers specializing in Passive Backplane
Motorola World-Wide Web Server
Morningstar Technologies -
Routers, secure routers, firewall security
Music -
MUltiprocessor System with Intelligent Communication
Mustek inc. - The total
scanning solutions
Nanao USA Corp
Nashoba Network, Inc - Token
Ring chassis
Nbase Switch Communications -
Network hubs
NEC - Computers, semiconductors,
Newer Technology -
Macintosh peripheral products
Net2Net Corp - ATM hardware
NetStar, Inc -
Manufactures a Router which mixes ATM, FDDI and HIPPI
Network Appliance Corporation
Network Computing Devices (Terminal
Division) - X Terminals
Network Peripherals, Inc. -
Switches and hubs
Newbridge Networks -
Communications equipment
Netrix - Wan and multiactive
NexGen, Inc. - Chip maker
NMB Technologies inc. -
Keyboards and fans
Nortel - Cabling systems
Number Nine Visual Technolgy,Inc -
Video Cards
Nokia - Telecommunications
Nortel - Digitil Switching
NovaLink Technologies -
PCMIA cards
Nu-Jet - Ink cartridges
NSM Jukebox - leader in
storage systems for the emerging CD Information Systems
NVidia Corporation
Oak Technology - Multimedia
Ocean - Motherboards
Oki - Printers, communications,
and semiconductors
Olicom USA, Inc. - Token-Ring,
Ethernet and ATM network solutions.
Olivetti North America
OPTi - Chipset manufacturer
Optibase - MPEG hardware
Output Enablers -
Clip-on Macintosh accelerators
Overland Data -
Backup and interchange solutions
Packard Bell
Paltron Industries
Inc. - Gloves for computing
Panasonic -
Parallax, Inc. - Makers
of PIC development tools
Parsytec Computer GmbH -
Manufacturer of parallel systems
Patton Electronics co. -
Manufacturer of data communications products
PC Catalog -
Comparison listings of computer products
Penril Datability Networks, Inc. -
Percon inc. - Develops and
manufactures data-collection and data-management products
PlainTree Systems -
Ethernet Swithces
Philips - CD-Roms
Phylon Communications -
Playlink communications game modem
Pioneer High
Fidelity - CD-ROMs, etc.
Power Express - Over
3,000 batteries
Microprocessor Info
Power Computing Corporation
Precision Digital Images
- Capture boards and image processing systems
Procom Technology, Inc. -
CD Towers
Promise Technology Inc. -
SCSI disk controllers
Port - Accessories for
portable computers
Primax Electronics USA inc -
Scanner manufacturer
Proteon, Inc. - Routers,
Ethernet Switches, LAN Adapters, Network Management, etc.
Psion -
handheld computers
QMS - Color printers and laser
Quadralay Corp
Quantum Corp - Hard Drives
QuickLogic - Makers of
programmable semiconductors
Racal-Datacom, Inc. - Voice & data
RAD Data Communications -
Multiplexors, etc.
Radius Research Web Server
Rainbow Technologies - Sentinel
Software Protection, Dongles
Rascal, Inc.
Raritan Computer, Inc. -
Multiple PC control products
RasterOps -
Real Audio - sound & graphic
Reveal - TV cards, radio
cards, CD rom drives
Road Warrior Outpost - Mgf
accesories for portable computers
Rockwell International -
Telecommunications, in Tokyo
Rockwell Network Systems -
FDDI, Fast Ethernet LAN adapters, and dial-up/ISDN access products
Rose Electronics - Pc to
peripheral interconnect maker and distributor
Ross Technology, Inc. -
S3 - Video cards
Samsung Electronics -
Monitors, Hard Drives, Notebooks, etc.
Sea Change
Sega - Video game stuff
Seagate Technologies - Hard
Seiko Instruments USA -
Makers of label printers and business card readers.
Sequent Computer Systems, Inc. -
Develops Client/Server architectures
Sermax corporation -
SimmStack simm converters
Server Technology -
Scheduled power on/off equipment
Shaffstall Corp -
Tape servers
Sharp Electronics -
Manufacturer of electronic products
Shiva Corporation, Inc. -
Shuttle Computer
International, Inc. - Motherboard manufacturer
Siemens Nixdorf Information Systems
Silicon Graphics -
SimmSaver Technology, Inc. -
Memory Solutions
Solsource Computers -
Portable Unix computers
Sonic Systems - Ethernet
Sony -
Sophisticated Circuits,
Inc. -
Source One Cable
Information Center - Cable manufacturer
Soyo -
Sparc International -
Specialix Inc. -
ISDN devices
SBC Communications, Inc. -
Southwestern Bell, electonic equipment
Storage Computer Corporation -
RAID systems
Storage Technology - Storage & retrieval
Standard Microsystems Corp (SMC) -
Stratus Computer, Inc. -
Fault tolerant hardware and middleware
STB Systems, Inc. - Makers of
S3 accelerator & MM cards
Swan Technologies
Sun Microsystems
Supermicro Computer inc. -
Motherboards, cases, power supplies for servers and workstations
Supra Modems
Symbol Technologies, Inc. -
Bar Code hardware
Syquest - Drives
Tadpole Technology -
Portable workstation computing.
Tandem Computers -
Open, reliable, parallel systems
Tatung Workstation R&D Group -
Targus inc. - Mobile computer
luggage maker
Tektronix - Color Printers, X
Terminals, Video Products, Test & Measurement
Telebit Corp - Dial-up
networking and wide-area communications
Telenex Corp. - ATM
Tem UPS's
Teradyne, Inc. - Automatic
Test Equipment, Telecommunications Test, & Backplane Connection
Texas Instruments, Inc.
Texas Microsystems -
Rackmounted industrial computer systems
Thinking Machines Corp. -
Hardware and Software for Parallel computing platforms
Thomas-Conrad Corp
Thrustmaster - Designs
interactive control devices
- 3D workstations
Toshiba America -
Makers of toshiba notebooks, cd-roms, etc.
Triangle Electronics,
Trident MicroSystems, Inc. -
Trident video cards
Trident Systems, Inc. -
Technology solutions / Touch screen solutions
Tribe Computer Works
Trident Systems - Touch
srceens for workstations
Trinity Works -
Truevision, Inc. -
Tucson Computer Corp -
Makers of SIMMulator SIMM adapters
Turtle Beach Systems - PC
audio hardware/software
T-view (Formely Consumer
Technologie) - VGA to TV converters
Tyan - Motherboards